
Management Index

Since its founding in 1936, T.RAD has established a firm position as an independent heat exchanger manufacturer.
With development base in Japan, we have expanded to Europe, Asia, China, and North America.
And we have established a global market structure that have five regional system in the world.
Total sales amount in Japan and overseas bases have maintained a level of over 100 billion JPY, achieving highly stable management.

Company's History


Since established in 1936, our company has been developing along with Japan’s economic growth, as a leading manufacturer of heat exchangers by foreseeing ahead of its time.

Based in

Hub System
in the world

Having the base in Japan with our joint ventures in Europe, Asia, China and North America, we have established a strong global market system. Such venture companies have also been contributing to modernization of local industry.

Number of Employees

or more

The number of group-wide employees (consolidated) is 4,000 or more. Thus, our business field is extensive around the world.

Employees' Average Age

years old

Even young employees are assigned to large projects depending on their capability. They are able to engage in work at their own discretion.

Number of Engineers


T.RAD has more than 250 engineers who are making efforts for achieving development. At this scale, employees’ proposals can be responded and realized at remarkable speed.

Holidays in a Year


In addition to five-day workweek, there are various holiday acquisition systems.