Basic IR Policy

Fundamental Philosophy (Guidelines)

T.RAD Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) endeavors to enhance social trust and promote understanding of corporate activities through timely and appropriate disclosure of information, aiming to meet the expectations of shareholders and investors.

Basic Policy (Code of Conduct)

The Company will disclose appropriate information regarding its management policies, financial conditions, and business activities to shareholders and investors. Furthermore, the Company will sincerely accept and appropriately respond to opinions on the disclosed content.

Method of Information Disclosure

Documents required by laws, such as the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, will be published by appropriate methods and promptly posted on the Company’s website after disclosure. In addition, the disclosure of important information that falls under the Timely Disclosure Rules set by the Tokyo Stock Exchange will be published through the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange in accordance with these rules. After disclosure, the same materials will be promptly posted on the Company’s website. Even information not covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules will be published by appropriate methods, considering the spirit of timely disclosure.

Prohibition of Insider Trading

The Company has established basic rules in its internal regulations for the proper management of important information and compliance with the trading of shares, etc. The Company promotes thorough awareness and understanding among all executives and employees to prevent insider trading.

Quiet Period

To prevent the leakage of financial information and ensure fairness, the Company designates a certain period before the scheduled date of quarterly financial results announcements as the quiet period, during which it refrains from answering questions or commenting on financial results and forecasts. However, if significant facts that fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules occur during this period, the Company will appropriately disclose the information.

Regarding Future Forecasts

Future forecasts, such as performance outlooks, are based on information available at that time and certain assumptions deemed reasonable. They are not intended as a promise of achievement by the Company. Please note that actual performance may vary significantly due to various factors.
Established: February 5, 2024
Tomio Miyazaki
President & CEO & COO
T.RAD Co., Ltd.
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